Tag Archives: Iambic pentameter

Lyric Game

Lyric Game

I am writing a song and thought it might be fun to do a compilation song with other writers that write poetry or lyrics to make a compilation song. This means I start the song with the first verse and other writers can submit lyric lines for the second and third verses, or even just a line that can be added on to by another writer. The basis of this song is all about games we played as children. This should be fun if I get enough submissions. Please keep the iambic pentameter of the song in mind and stay within that rhythm pattern.  Here is the first verse:

Sidewalk chalk on a broken walk

Hopscotch board still holds the rocks

Swinging through the air without a care

Monkey bar games near a big sand box

I will, of course give credit to whoever writes the lyrics I use. I plan on going into the studio this summer to record some new originals and would like to include this in the CD. If I get it completed I will send everyone whose lyrics I used a CD. This should be fun! Peace Jaz