I Killed a Bird…..


I was over working on my Mom’s sprinklers and one of the starlings was sitting, yes sitting on the lawn. I tried to help it and when I was en route to get some worms it died….it just crooked it’s head over and died. I can;t seem to stop crying over it. I took it to the golf course and buried it underneath a tree, but hell, it dies right in my hands…I can’t stop crying over that poor little bird.

16 responses »

  1. You are sweet and kind and filled with love in your heart to care about this divine feathered friend. I am certain that little one would have appreciated not being alone in its transition back to spirit. Kindness is such a sacred gift. Bless you sweet love xoxo,

  2. Your compassion says a lot about your spirit, milady… Be at peace now, its suffering is over, and life goes on…You can take with you the knowledge that you were once blessed to be able to comfort another life as it passed over, as someday, someone will do for you… I believe it was the Dalai Lama who said, “You can tell a lot about a person in how they treat those from whom they can get nothing.” If not, he said something close to it, and you can blame my less than perfect memory; it remains true for all that…. Just put the pain into your next performance, using it to drive it in memory of the cycle of life… 🙂

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