Monthly Archives: February 2013

Aquarius Horoscope for week of February 28, 2013


Aquarius Horoscope for week of February 28, 2013

Verticle Oracle cardAquarius (January 20-February 19)
In the movie Fight Club, there is an animated scene at the very end that required an inordinate amount of time to produce. Each frame in this scene took the editors eight hours to process. Since there are 24 frames in each second, their work went on for three weeks. That’s the kind of attention to detail I recommend you summon as you devote yourself to your labor of love in the coming days, Aquarius. I think you know which specific parts of your creation need such intense focus. 

 For over two decades, Peter Jouvenal worked as a journalist and cameraman who filmed war-torn hot spots, including Iraq in the Gulf War and Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. He eventually retired from that gig and bought a restaurant in Kabul. He has few regrets, but one came after the fall of the Taliban in 2001. 

While exploring the organization’s deserted safe houses, he happened upon a place where Osama bin Laden and his wife had recently lived. Among the items the couple left behind was one of her bras. In retrospect Jouvenal realized he should have pocketed the exotic piece of lingerie; a tabloid newspaper would have paid him a fortune for it. But because he had spent his entire career dealing with more mainstream news media that sought more respectable evidence, the idea didn’t even occur to him until much later. 

Was there ever a time when you were in such a deep trance, enthralled by your habits and belief system, that you failed to notice a valuable anomaly that popped up? How can you train yourself to be so alert that such a blunder won’t happen again? 

Salmon Fighting to Spawn….

Salmon Fighting to Spawn….

My life is what a salmon must feel like. They are always going upstream, against the current. Laura Schlessinger

Last night was a bloody nightmare my friends. We simply could not get our sound dialed in. We finally did on the 3rd set and I realized our mistake. We should have started really low and worked our way up. We spent the entire first set trying to get it dialed in and then by set two I was so frustrated I wanted to cry. We had a few people show up to hear us last night and we simply couldn’t get it online and I was so embarrassed! That is not us….I just want everyone to know that we don’t ever struggle that hard. It made it really hard for me to relax last night. I may have looked like I was having fun, or trying to have fun, but inside I was crying. Ciest La Vie…… With that I leave you with some breakfast :)……



The philosophy of the wisest man that ever existed, is mainly derived from the act of introspection. William Godwin

Ok, I admit it, I have been in a very introspective mood the last couple of days. It’s something that always happens after my birthday and is only me looking into myself and figuring out what things I need to do to improve and how to amend mistakes I made the year before. Man I had a long list. That’s ok, that just means that I am growing. I have so much that I want to accomplish personally, with my music, with my family. I must admit I am one of the luckiest people in the world. I have a beautiful husband who loves me, I have my Mom and daughter, Kira, that absolutely adore me, I am fortunate enough to get work doing the things I love, music and writing. What more could I ask for? Ok, if someone will just fix my dripping kitchen sink all would be good! 🙂 With that I leave you with Joe Walsh…


To You My Love

To You My Love

On this Valentine’s Day I wanted to tell you that I will never forget the color of the rose you gave me. I will never forget the perfection of its petals. I will never forget the way the moon looked on the Eve of this day. And I will never forget the way you have stood beside me when, at times, I have been falling. Always there to reach out a hand and catch me before I fall, I love you Mike.

Close Up Valentine Moon Valentine's Rose

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!!

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. Lao Tzu 

Happy Valentine’s Day to all of my WordPress friends. I hope the day finds you surrounded by those you love. Today is not just about husbands and wives, boyfriends and girlfriends. It is a day for everyone to express their love for each other. Take the time today to tell someone you know that you love them, it will make their day….With that I leave you with our version of Nights in White Satin….

  • Love (

Searching for Impossible Love….Aquarius Horoscope


Aquarius Horoscope for week of February 14, 2013

Verticle Oracle cardAquarius (January 20-February 19)
“All these years I’ve been searching for an impossible love,” said French writer Marguerite Duras late in her life. The novels and films she created reflect that feeling. Her fictional characters are often engaged in obsessive quests for an ideal romance that would allow them to express their passion perfectly and fulfill their longing completely. In the meantime, their actual relationships in the real world suffer, even as their starry-eyed aspirations remain forever frustrated. I invite you, Aquarius, to celebrate this Valentine season by taking a vow of renunciation. Summon the courage to forswear Duras’s doomed approach to love. 

You need love almost as much as you need food and drink. Not just any old kind of love, though: It has to be high-minded and mysterious, and neither sentimental nor tormented. Hoping to steer you towards what you really need, I’m offering you the poetic words of Pablo Neruda. Say or write them to the person whose destiny needs to be woven more closely together with yours: “Our love is like a well in the wilderness where time watches over the wandering lightning. Our sleep is a secret tunnel that leads to the scent of apples carried on the wind. When I hold you, I hold everything that is–swans, volcanoes, river rocks, maple trees drinking the fragrance of the moon, bread that the fire adores. In your life I see everything that lives.”



Taking Some Time Away….

Taking Some Time Away….

An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience. Mitch Hedberg

Hey everyone! I had to take a break for awhile from everyone and everything. I have gone through some very heartbreaking experiences recently and I needed time away from it all just to renew myself and reevaluate certain facets of my life. I have been writing in journals since I was in my 30’s and every time I go through a new phase in my life, no matter how far I am into the journal, I start a new journal. Well, if it’s any indication of where I am at I was a little over 1/2 way through my last journal and I went and bought a new one last night. In some ways it is a sad parting to my old self and a joyous beginning of something new. It’s the happiness of brand new pages filled with fresh ideas, filled with new joys and of course heartbreaks, There are always going to be the hurts, but there is a new chance to reinvent myself and putting the past away is a very important part of evolving as a person. With that I leave you with…..

I’m Sorry….


I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.
Frank Sinatra

I am going to apologize right now! Let’s get that out if the way. Ok now that that is over with, I am a musician, I am not the best or the worst I am just who I am. I am sick to death of apologizing to you for who I am. Do you want me to be someone else? Who do you want me to be? You need to accept the fact that since the day you met me I am musically inclined! Do you want me to be a car salesman? A school teacher? A Secretary? This is who I am, I sing, I play guitar, and I also play violin, what is it you want me to do? I love music, it is a part of me and my life. If you want to be a part of me I guess you are gonna have to realize that music is a part of that…………With that I leave you with The Psychedelic Furs….




Hey My friends! I am in a very strange place. I fired our drummer and he had it coming. Can I tell you something? Something special? Music is my life, it always has been. Since I was a little girl music has been the most important thing to me, always. Music has always meant the world to me, beginning to end! I am not the best vocalist, I am not the best rhythm guitar player, I am not the best musician EVER! I just love music. Here is a really terrible version of Green Sleeves for you 🙂 

Tired of the Snow and Wet….

Tired of the Snow and Wet….

I don’t know how you get dressed if you live in Wales, because it’s pouring rain and then it’s hot sunshine, and then it might hail. It’s just so confusing. Piper Perabo

I have had it up to my eyeballs with snow! I am so ready for some sunshine. I have a closet full of skirts and my new boots that I got for Xmas that are just dying to be worn but the weather is too cold and crappy. I am hoping that the weather will at least be decent enough that I can wear a dress this Saturday to the gig at Willi B’s. I’m not really counting on it, but one can always hope right? With that I leave you with the Violent Femmes…