Monthly Archives: March 2013



I always liked those moments of epiphany, when you have the next destination. Brad Pitt

OMG, sudden flash of light! I just realized the biggest part of my problem. I have been comparing myself to everyone else and forgot just to be ME. Yes, scraping my house and getting to the core of the problems with my house is causing an Occam’s Razor, the answer is usually the obvious. I have been staring at myself for so long and comparing myself to everyone else for so long, thinking they were better, without realizing they were just different. I am who I am and I need to stop basing my life on comparisons with other people. That will never get me any where. I finally realized that it’s like standing on a treadmill expecting to go somewhere, when in reality you are stagnating. Holy Crap! Why did it take me so long to figure that out. I think I can sleep now before I have to go play….WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee:)

My House Sux LOL


A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. Benjamin Franklin

Instead of buying paint I should just invest in some TNT and blow my house up, LMAO 🙂 I have to show you the pics and you will see why. I must be out of my mind folks. You never know how trully bad something is until you take off the surface. This isn’t true only of my house, this is a very true sentiment when it comes to people as well. On the surface everything looks great, but then you begin scraping back the layers and find all the BS that’s underneath. I think I have gladly bit off more than I can chew, thank goodness I am a painter because I wouldn’t know how to deal with this other wise. If only people could be fixed so easily. You know replace a couple of boards, a little putty here, a lot of caulk there. LOL. It would be nice if we could fix our fractures so easily right? At any rate, here’s the pics. No laughing or looks of horror allowed, it will be pretty when I am done with it (I think 🙂 )

Right door step

Right door step

Right front cor

Right front cor

Right Front Window

Right Front Window

House Face Lift


If anybody says their facelift doesn’t hurt, they’re lying. It was like I’d spent the night with an axe murderer. Sharon Osbourne

And so it begins….I am starting on my house’s facelift today, and if you look at the picture you will see why it needs it! Yes, I am sort of a Jack-of-all-Trades, Master-of-None, LOL:) I used to paint professionally for a living at one time and on occasion still do for a little extra $. I just don’t want to be like that mechanic that can fix anyone else’s car, but has 20 broke down rigs in his yard, so to speak. So the quest for exteior beauty begins today. I will update the pics as we go along on our journey toward aesthetic peace and beauty…..

Day 1

Day 1

Aquarius Horoscope for week of March 28, 2013….Trivial Crap….


Aquarius Horoscope for week of March 28, 2013

Verticle Oracle cardAquarius (January 20-February 19)
Your brain has a bigger capacity than you realize. According to professorof psychology Paul Reber, it can hold the equivalent of three million hours’ worth of television shows. As I’m sure you know, your brain is not even close to being full of that much data. And in accordance with the current astrological omens, I suggest you cram in as much new material as possible. APRIL FOOL! I told you a half-truth. While it’s correct that now is an excellent time to pour more stuff into your brain, you should be highly discerning about what you allow in there. Seek out the richest ideas, the most stimulating information, the best stories. Avoid trivial crap. 


Up to My Elbows Today….

Up to My Elbows Today….

I have sporadic OCD cleaning moments around the house. But then I get lazy and I’m cured. It’s a very inconsistent personality trait. Chris Hemsworth

Guilty as charged! I am in one of my Mrs. Clean moments. I have a laundry room that is cobweb central and needs a serious once over, then it’s on to the music studio so I can get in there and get some work done today to get ready for WilliB’s on Saturday. One of the cameramen from yesterday’s nightmare TV production asked me if I wanted to do The Goddess Festival, so maybe someone will be getting with me on that. Other than that, I am also on a health house cleaning. I am going to be changing my diet, it’s not that my diet is bad, I eat pretty healthy compared to most adults my age. I am just thinking about cutting out most breads and cutting off my terrible Diet Coke habit. I drink way too much of that brown crap loaded with carcinogens. It’s also time to get the mountain bike out again and get back into my morning rides that I have so dearly missed this winter. So with that I leave you with Eminem of all things LOL….

Aquarius Horoscope March 21, 2013….Creation Loves You…


Aquarius Horoscope for week of March 21, 2013

Verticle Oracle cardAquarius (January 20-February 19)
In the 17th century, polite people referred to mountains as “warts” and “boils on the earth’s complexion.” So says Robert Macfarlane in his book Mountains of the Mind. Annie Dillard describes the peculiar behavior of educated European tourists in the 18th century. When they visited the Alps, she writes in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek,”they deliberately blindfolded their eyes to shield themselves from the evidence of the earth’s horrid irregularity.” Don’t be anything like those dumb sophisticates, Aquarius. When you spy irregularities in the coming weeks, consider the possibility that they are natural and healthy. This will allow you to perceive their useful beauty.
All of creation loves you very much. Even now, people you know and people you don’t know are collaborating to make sure you have all you need to make your next smart move. But are you willing to start loving life back with an equal intensity? The adoration it offers you has not exactly been unrequited, but there is room for you to be more demonstrative. For help in cultivating this approach

In her role as DJ Debi Newberry in the film Grosse Pointe Blank, Minnie Driver defines the term shakabuku as a swift spiritual kick to the head that alters your reality forever. That’s the kind of jolt you’re more likely to get if you’ve been avoiding the entreaties of your shadow.

But if you send your shadow flowers on special occasions, or periodically give it license to blubber its horrible secrets while sobbing on your lap, it might be more inclined to deliver a whoopibuku, which is a soft spiritual stomp on the toes that inspires you to make a course correction.

No Rest for the Wicked….

No Rest for the Wicked….

But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep. Robert Frost

It never fails, I always do this the day before an important show, I can’t sleep. I thought I would lay down after dropping Micael at work and get some sleep. HAH! Who was I kidding. The minute I lay down and close my eyes my head starts spinning with all the things I need to do. Today is Michael’s birthday so I am preparing his dinner of corned beef and cabbage, poten ben fedi, and I frosted the xcake I baked last night. Yes, I cheated this year and used a boxed cake, SHHHHHHHHH don’t tell. LOL. I had no choice because the cake I usually make takes 3 hours to make from scratch. There are just so many things to do to get ready for tomorrow and we are also going to try to get out to Meridian to see “Five Smooth Stones” tonight. So, I give up. It’s off to the shower with me! With that I leave you with “Wicked Game”….



Hi There!

Hi There!

The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them. Thomas Merton

Ok, I have finally gotten a few minutes to catch everybody up. January and February were incredibly stressful and busy, it seems that March is coming in like a lamb for me because things have really settled down. So much so that I am returning to work writing freelance for the magazine that I work for! They are happy I am back and they missed me. I have learned 2 new Led Zepplin songs, a Grateful Dead song and an Irish Lullaby, all for the St. Patrick’s Day party at The Crescent Brewery. I am so excited!! I got a new acoustic guitar, same brand as my old one but newer that is just begging to be decorated. Brother Bob brought it to me and that same day he brought me a beautiful tiger’s eye! My frind Cindy, who is playing mandolin for us, just got back from Hawaii and brought me two beautiful hairclips! So with that I wanted to share a few pics with you from the last month.

Beautiful Blue Tiger's Eye from Brother Bob

Beautiful Blue Tiger’s Eye from Brother Bob

My first grandbaby Avery Harper

My first grandbaby Avery Harper


Kira, Isaiah and Avery

Kira, Isaiah and Avery


Mojo Relaxing

Mojo Relaxing

Silly Kitty

Silly Kitty

With that I leave you with one of the new Zepplin songs I learned….


A Day of Rest….


“You can do anything, but you can’t do everything”

I took a break away from everything yesterday and decided to make a sink skirt for my bathroom, cut up some of the grapevines that are lying around my yard and need to be disposed of , found a black sweater to go with my kilt, made a nice dinner for us and did not one thing involving music! It was a nice little break. Here are some pictures of the sink skirt that I made yesterday, and the reson for it is there is nothing below the sink, the pipes are exposed and I just wanted something to make it look a little more attractive. If I do say so myself I am brilliant LOL 🙂

Sink Skirt 1 sink skirt 2



Fly a Paper Airplane….Aquarius Horoscope 3-14-2013


Aquarius Horoscope for week of March 14, 2013

Verticle Oracle cardAquarius (January 20-February 19)
Former football quarterback Joe Ayoob holds the world’s record for throwing a paper airplane the longest distance. After it left his hand, the delicate craft traveled over 226 feet. I propose we make Ayoob your patron saint and role model for the coming week. From what I can tell, you will have a similar challenge, at least metaphorically: blending power and strength with precision and finesse and control. It’s time to move a fragile thing or process as far as possible. 

 It’s possible there’s still enough oil buried in the earth to sustain our civilization’s exorbitant appetite for material comforts for another 100 years. Or it may be true, as some researchers suggest, that global reserves of black gold are rapidly dwindling, and 20 years from now we’ll all be farmers and hunters sitting around campfires at night telling stories. 

Whichever scenario comes to pass, you may be happiest and smartest and healthiest if you cultivate a simple and earthy relationship with luxury—something akin to poet Omar Khayyám‘s notion, which was “a jug of wine, a loaf of bread, and thou beside me singing in the wilderness.”

P.S. The amount of oil left in the world has no bearing whatsoever on your ability to cultivate ecstasy.

Sorry I Have Been Away….

Sorry I Have Been Away….

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau

Sorry I have been away so much lately, I have missed you all. Things have been incredibly busy this last month and now with the St. Patrick’s Day event coming up I have had a boatload of things to do. This week is also Mike’s Birthday and every year for his Birthday I fix him an Irish/Welsh dinner topped with a German choclate cake for good measure. So, on Friday we celebrate his 56th birthday and on Saturday we have a full St. Patrick’s Eve event at The Crescent Brewery. As soon as this week is over thing’s will settle down to much more normalcy (I hope 🙂 ) and I will have more time to write. I think I am going to need at least a day or two to recover after this weekend though. I hope everyone is well! 🙂