Tag Archives: Henry David Thoreau

Journey to the Center of Myself…

Journey to the Center of Myself…

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.  ~Henry David Thoreau, 1854

I am going on sabbatical for awhile, how long I do not know. All I know is that I have some questions that need answers. What this means is I am at the end of one journey and beginning another one that is entirely different. It means that I have disabled my Facebook account permanently and I am not going to be performing publicly for awhile. I am also not answering phone  calls from anyone but my family and closest friends. One thing I am doing is going to The Dharma Center tonight to begin the next evolution. I recently finished reading “The Gospel of Buddha” and suddenly realized that I needed to actually go to a teacher if I ever expect to achieve the enlightenment I so dearly want. One other thing I will continue to do is my blog, after all, this is, more-or-less, my journal of self-discovery.

With that I leave you with Alan Parsons….

Sorry I Have Been Away….

Sorry I Have Been Away….

If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away. Henry David Thoreau

Sorry I have been away so much lately, I have missed you all. Things have been incredibly busy this last month and now with the St. Patrick’s Day event coming up I have had a boatload of things to do. This week is also Mike’s Birthday and every year for his Birthday I fix him an Irish/Welsh dinner topped with a German choclate cake for good measure. So, on Friday we celebrate his 56th birthday and on Saturday we have a full St. Patrick’s Eve event at The Crescent Brewery. As soon as this week is over thing’s will settle down to much more normalcy (I hope 🙂 ) and I will have more time to write. I think I am going to need at least a day or two to recover after this weekend though. I hope everyone is well! 🙂


Out Sick…..

Out Sick…..

There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before. Henry David Thoreau 

I have so missed everyone this last week! As some of you know I have been fighting an upper respiratory infection for over a month now. I think I am just going to have to buckle down and go get antibiotics. This week has been by far the worst. Not only was I down but my monitor was down as well so I couldn’t take care of anything. I am back, and no I am not 100% yet. I sang all weekend with terrible laryngitis, which is the hardest thing to do for a vocalist. My big concern now is being ready for the acoustic gig at Willi B’s on Saturday. I really need my voice to be 110%! There have been other struggles and I won;t get into that because they have been dealt with and we are moving on. There are some people who bring bad juju into your life but they are so irrelevant they aren’t even worth mentioning, much less wasting your time even thinking about. Anyway, I have missed you all and am glad to be at least 50% back up 🙂


Change is in the Air…

Change is in the Air…

Things do not change; we change. Henry David Thoreau

A change is coming my friends. I have had another opportunity thrown at me, and it’s a good one. One dream I have always had, besides music and writing, is to run a restaurant. I have a meeting today with a gentleman that is opening a restaurant in one of the nicest areas in Boise, Hyde Park in the Northend of Boise. In my lifetime I have run every facet of restaurants, from back of house to front of house. This is a great opportunity for me and I can only hope that I get it. I know that it is going to soak up every bit of my extra time, but I am ok with that. I will let you know how it goes. We went for a walk down to the river last night with Rosie and I took some more pics and thought I would share them with you. 

River xmas lites River Bridge River Mike & Rosie Jaz & Rosie - Copy The Beautiful Christmas Lights.

Bucket List Aspirations

Bucket List Aspirations

Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them. – Henry David Thoreau

I have been meaning to write down my bucket list  for years and I figure there is no better time than the present. I have no intentions of dying anytime soon, however it would be very cool if I at least had a list of the things I want to accomplish before I die. The thing is, if I don’t get it written down I may never even attempt some of the things that I have mentally been promising myself I would do. I don’t know what the next life is going to bring, but I sure know that for this life, before I exhale my last breath, I want to know, in my mind’s eye, that I have accomplished something in this one. and what better day to start it than on April Fool’s Day…=). I guess if I don’t accomplish everything I can always say I was only kidding! So here goes:

1. To go to New Orleans for Mardi Gras for my Birthday

2. To visit the home of my family, Cowbridge, Glamorganshire, Wales

3. To see “The Phantom of the Opera” live at least once

4. To learn how to can vegetables in a pressure cooker (this is a good year to do this because I am going to have a large garden)

5. To read all the plays by Shakespeare at least once ( working on it)

6. To go to Key West Florida while I am still in good enough shape to enjoy it

7. To go to Tibet

8. To quit smoking ( big time! This could end my bucket list =))

9. Own my own restaurant

10. Write one book

I think 10 on my list is a good starting point. I’ll leave it at that for now.